Friday 27 June 2008


I am a first-time mum to a little boy, Ethan 7 mths. When I was pregnant with him, I became frustrated at the lack of options for baby boys available in the stores so I came up with this idea. I want to give an opportunity to mums of boys and girls to swap or sell outgrown, unwanted, unused items locally. Mums can also place an ad for any wanted item(s). For any WAHM or perhaps you have just started a small / medium business, you can advertise yours here too. It's easy, all you have to do is get in touch and I will do the work for please copy paste to your browser

Becoming a mum is very scary and often an isolating time for many of us so take a chance to make friends here in our FREE forums, chat about anything, relax, play (free) online games, start your own group(s) etc.
I hope that you come to think of Northern Ireland Mums Online as a friendly, relaxing place to be and continue to come back.